Tuesday 10 January 2017

Goals for 2017

 Even though I'm not big on New year's resolutions (if I want to change something I don't wait for new year) I think it's good have dreams for the year ahead and set yourself some goals to keep you motivated.
This year I decided to give myself a little task each month and I will keep you updated on how I'm doing. I'm not planning any major changes because that's unrealistic (although you never know what's going to happen) but little aims to try new things and maybe get out of my comfort zone.
Here they are:
January: regular exercise
February: find a Valentine
March: have the best birthday
April: try something new
May: book a trip somewhere new
June: make the most of Spring
July: go to the beach
August: organize a picnic with my friends
September: learn something new
October: frolic through fallen leaves
November: read a great book
December: go ice-skating

For this month it's all about exercise. Let's face it - after December most of us can do with losing few pounds, but the important thing for me is also being fit. And I always feel great after exercise, sometimes I'm just lazy to start but then I'm pleased I did something. So I need to get back to some routine. I've already done yoga few times since the new year and got on exercise bike. Now it's about sticking to it and do more of it.
At the beginning of each month I'll talk more about that month's goal and will also update you how it's going so far. I also want to cook more and make this a great year.
What are your goals for this year?
Have a stylish day.



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